Are You Parenting Out of Fear?

Fear based parenting is built on power, control and attaching a story to your child. Braveheart Parenting is based on mutual respect, validation, acknowledgement and unconditional love. So many parents that we work with approach us for help because they feel that their child is "a problem" based on their behaviour. 100% of these parents feel completely different about their children once we help them understand what is appropriate developmental behaviour.

For many parents, the engrained power struggle between themselves and their child(ren) is so deeply rooted that they do not recognize that power is what is wielded in order to exact behaviour.

Time outs, shaming and "reward" systems are all based on extrinsic behaviour. The innate problem with this type of discipline is that the intrinsic emotions of the child that are causing the "problem" behaviour is doing nothing to address what the child is feeling.

Feelings and emotions are often too big for children. Children's behaviour is usually a mirror reflection of what we are projecting, so the so called "issues" with our children are actually due to our reactions to them...and the fact that we are not responding. To respond to a child means we are in tune with their emotionality and we have a capacity for expansiveness. To be expansive means that we are allowing our own reactionary parenting and beliefs to take a back seat to the preservation of the relationship. If we are respectful of our child's feelings and hold space for them, we are their soft spot upon which they can land. 

Being able to hold space for our children deepens our attachment to them. Healing our own wounds and core beliefs about ourselves will deepen our capacity for expansiveness. Self-compassion is much easier to come by if we are loving to others. All of our parent coaching clients tell us they feel better about themselves when they change the way they are with their children. Our children are worth deeper investigation. Power and control parenting is never the way to go. Your ways can be changed, you can provide the repair and heal the damage in your relationship with your child. We can help. Each year we have a holiday parent coaching special. We have already had a great response and encourage you to consider our coaching programs. Our new six month offer for this year is the best ever! Read down to the end to see what it is.....


Over the past few years we have offered our Parent Coaching Programs at 50% off and this year we are offering you more!


 Here are the details for last year - read on to see the difference in this year's offer!


For one month $500  now $250 four consults and email and phone support

For two months $950  now $475... eight consults and email and phone support

For three months $1400  now $700.. 12 consults and email and phone support

For six months $2500 now $1250....24 consults  and email and phone support


This year we are offering six months of support for $750.00!!!!


You can absolutely take advantage of our offers from the last few years, or partake in this year's offer.  If you are local, we will meet you one on one in our office or your home and then schedule 24 follow up consults by phone over the six months. Each phone call will be an hour in length and we will offer email support as well. You will also get another offer for free! When you enrol in our Parent Coaching Program you and your partner attend our Parenting On The Same Page, Keeping Your Cool When Parenting or Calm Mum class for no additional cost.


To enroll in our Parent Coaching program, please contact us.