Parenting Tweens and Teens: How to Really be "There" As a Parent

Today our children are expected to do, be and perform so much better than any of us did! What our children need is a strong foundation and firm support system as they navigate the turbulent years into adulthood. Unfortunately, most of us are ill equipped to handle the transitions and life changes our tweens and teens have to make. This class will be presented in a four hour format and will help you discern:

What is developmentally and emotionally appropriate behaviour (for our children and us!)

How do we handle discipline and behaviour?

Are our expectations for our children different than what we have for ourselves?

What exactly are we modelling for our children?

What do our children REALLY need from us in this turbulent time in their lives?

Why is this time period so turbulent?

What should we be focusing on with our children? How does focusing solely on their behaviour affect our relationship?


This class will come with a one hour parent coaching follow up for parents.

Cost $100 for two adults (you can bring your partner or adult of your choice)

Saturday, June 6th, 12-4pm

Email Carol at to register